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Extraordinary living

Location | Quality | Comfort

Basic information about the project


Chlumova 3

Reconstruction launching

Summer 2022

Ready to move

Winter 2024

Number of units


Chlumova 3 benefits from it’s excellent central location, surrounded by diverse public amenities and services.

Adjacent is Seifertova Street which provides frequent public transit to the City Centre.

The property will undergo a complete reconstruction which commenced Summer 2022.

Each re-designed of each apartment emphasizes smart design and efficient use of space, the way we live today.

Complete public amenities in the area nearby is another key benefit of this intimate project that offers 27 apartments. 

Moreover, Seifertova street, the one that is crossing street Chlumova, is under reconstruction which will be completed in 2025.

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Price list

Flat number Floor Layout Balcony/terrace Price Floor area Status
102 -12+kk-5 150 000Kč 44,00AvailableDocumentation
101 -12+kk-6 790 000Kč 55,30AvailableDocumentation
103 -11+kk-3 650 000Kč 26,50AvailableDocumentation
03 11+kk-30,40SoldDocumentation
02 12+kk-49,00SoldDocumentation
01 12+kk-8 190 000Kč 60,10AvailableDocumentation
104 12+kk-40,10SoldDocumentation
105 12+kk-37,40SoldDocumentation
106 12+kk-37,30SoldDocumentation
07 22+kkBalcony40,90SoldDocumentation
06 21+kk-31,50SoldDocumentation
05 22+kk-48,40SoldDocumentation
04 22+kkBalcony9 590 000Kč 61,30ReservationDocumentation
11 32+kkBalcony43,90SoldDocumentation
10 31+kk-31,70SoldDocumentation
09 32+kk-49,00SoldDocumentation
08 32+kkBalcony60,70SoldDocumentation
15 42+kkBalcony45,10SoldDocumentation
14 41+kk-5 650 000Kč 31,40ReservationDocumentation
13 42+kk-48,80SoldDocumentation
12 42+kkBalcony62,40SoldDocumentation
19 52+kkBalcony7 790 000Kč 45,30ReservationDocumentation
18 51+kk-5 790 000Kč 31,60AvailableDocumentation
17 52+kk-8 300 000Kč 49,90AvailableDocumentation
16 52+kkBalcony9 750 000Kč 63,60ReservationDocumentation
21 62/3+kkTerrace9 890 000Kč 64,30ReservationDocumentation
20 62/3+kkTerrace14 690 000Kč 95,40AvailableDocumentation
The information provided (including prices and dimensions of individual apartments) is only informative and is not legally binding. Binding proposals to conclude a contract and binding acceptance of an offer to conclude a contract are made exclusively by attaching the physical signature of a person or signatures of persons authorized to act on behalf of the seller.


Each apartment has been finished using high quality timeless materials and state of the art equipment. 

Unique water care

The entire house at Chlumova 3 is connected to the standard Prague water supply system. However, before the water reaches the users, it passes through a special water treatment plant – the STABFOR unit, which is an innovative Czech-made system for microbial stabilization of water. It is water purification using waste-free nanotechnology, it prevents the formation of biofilm in fittings, household appliances, and reduces the formation of limescale. Water treated in this way has beneficial effects, which include a significantly better taste of water, improved digestion, higher vitality and energy, improved hair quality and reduced occurrence of skin eczema.

A vibrant neighbourhood


Unikátní péče o vodu

Celý dům je napojen na standardní pražský vodovodní řad. Než-li se ovšem voda dostane k uživatelům, prochází u nás speciální úpravnou vody – jednotkou STABFOR, což je inovativní systém české výroby pro mikrobiální stabilizace vody. Jedná se o čištění vody bezodpadovou nanotechnologií, zamezuje tvorbě biofilmu v armaturách, domácích spotřebičích, snižuje tvorbu vodního kamene. Takto upravená voda má blahodárné účinky, mezi které patří výrazně lepší chuť vody, zlepšení zažívání, vyšší vitalita a energie, zlepšení kvality vlasů a snížení výskytu kožních ekzémů.


Galerie míst v okolí

The process of buying your new home


Concluding the reservation contract
Payment of the reservation fee of 50 000 CZK is due within 5 days of signing the contract.


Concluding the future sale contract
Payment of 20% from the final apartment price within 10 days after signing the future sale contract.


Concluding the sale contract

Balance payment, signing the sale contract and assigning the apartment after the final approval.

Contact us

By filling in and sending this form, I agree (in accordance with law n. 101/2000 collection about the personal data protection, in it`s full amended) that my personal data will be processed, specifically: name, surname, telephone, e-mail address and communication with me, in the form of an electronic database owned the company Chlumova 3 s.r.o., VAT: 086 55 162, as the administrator of the personal data BOUTIQ Real Estate s.r.o., VAT: 040 19890 and and its financially connected companies, subjects related to it or its contractual parties, for the purpose of marketing. I give my consent voluntarily for an indefinite period. However, I am aware that I can unsay my consent at any time, based on a written notification delivered to Chlumova 3 s.r.o., as well as other rights that follow from the personal data protection law.